
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Share your calendar with the world

Share your calendar with the world

New skincare

I went into The Body Shop the other day to exchange some hand lotion that I didn't like and they were having a buy 3 get 2 free sale on some facial skincare.  I started using them 2 nights ago.  They said the stuff was clinically proven to have visible improvements in 4 weeks, so I am going to take pics now and then again in 4 weeks to see if the changes are visible.  And I'm going to attempt to use it morning and night.... that's going to be a challenge for me!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

started going to the gym.

Well, I got a new membership at a gym that has child care.  Signed up yesterday.  Went for the first time today.  I have an appt. with a trainer on Monday -they offer one for free.  Doc said phentermine would not work well with my new meds, but he gave me an RX for something else.  He said it will work with my new meds and help me lose a little big of weight too.... we'll see how it all goes.  BTW... I am starting at 240#s  uuhh!!  That is just so ridiculous! Any hoo--- that's all I have time to jot down right now.  I'll have K help me do some measurements later so I have a starting point.  I'm more interested in gaining muscle and losing inches than how many pounds I drop.  :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

not off to the best start

K and I sat and ate spoonfuls of Nutella last night, while staying up WAY past our bedtime watching Gavin and Stacey.  And of course today I am ridiculously tired.  Snow is falling and there is supposed to be a huge storm coming, so I don't know if we will get much outdoor activity in the next few days.  Aside from our trip to the mailbox of course.  Such a hassle to get shoes and coats and such on 2 kiddos for a less than one minute jaunt out the door.  Haven't called the neighbor about the gym yet.  :(  boo.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

a whole year

WOW... I can't believe an entire year has passed and I've done nothing!!   I guess I have lost 7 pounds.  lol  It is so easy to feel motivated when I sit down and write about it, or read about it, etc.  but as soon as I walk away from the computer... my attention gets pulled into a different direction and I forget about my mission until one day i remember that I haven't gotten onto my blog for awhile.... Speaking of, does anyone know if I can make this thing send me an email or something when people post on my blog???  Cause that would be really handy!

Anyway... I am back to actively wanting to do something about my weight.  I recently saw a friend who I haven't seen in a few months, and she has lost 70 pounds in 4 months.  She has been taking phentermine, which I feel pretty strongly is really NOT good for you, but I sent an email to my Dr. to see if he will prescribe it to me anyway.  I just really want to get this weight loss jump started!

Also, one of my neighbors called me a few weeks ago about getting in on a group deal to join a gym with child care (good suggestion, Ang!!) but she hasn't gotten back to me with details... I think I'll call her today.  Anyway, *sigh*.... better go do some laundry. :/

Monday, February 8, 2010

don't know what to say

I haven't posted anything for awhile for a couple of reasons, #1 my aunt passed away on Jan 28, so I've been a bit preoccupied with other things, and #2 what I really want to say... well, I don't know how to say it.  I don't want to offend anyone, so I've been trying to figure out how to approach it.  But, tonight I am tired, so I'll do it another time.  I don't know how I feel about how things are going, I haven't been active, I feel like I've been making some better food choices, but I have spent quite a bit of time at my parents' house lately, so things like chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese icing, oreos, potato chips, etc. are readily available, and if it's there, I'm going to eat it because I LOVE it!  LOL  so... OH!  I went to my post pardum check up on friday which was the first time I have been on a scale since "B" was born.  I currently weigh 247 pounds which is only 10 pounds less than I weighed the day "B" was born.  and she was 8lbs 8oz, so... apparently I'm not doing very well at losing this weight.  lol

I did find an article in a magazine about losing pregnancy weight that had meal and snack options to chose from that I might try.  The weather has been nicer lately so I think maybe tomorrow I'll try to get out with the girls.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

just an update

I'm wondering if I should be writing down what I eat so I can figure out my caloric intake, but I really don't want to and I don't think I'd be very consistent with it. 

I noticed yesterday that everytime I'm conscious of what I'm eating I eat more, or at least I become aware of how much/often I usually eat.  But this morning I woke up to a grumbling stomach which hasn't happened for as long as I can remember.  Not sure what that means. I want to think it means I ate less yesterday than normal, but at the same time, I'm concerned about the breastfeeding thing and making sure I'm consuming enough calories for both of us.

I haven't been outside to get any activity because the weather has been pretty crappy, so maybe today I'll work in some activity inside?

I've been sipping on coffee the last 2 days, which I'm a bit torn on.  I really don't want to be caffeinating "B," and I was quite adamant with "E" that I wouldn't drink caffeine while nursing, but even just sipping on one cup of coffee throughout the day seems to be very helpful at keeping my energy up to get things done.